The diary of the man with no name

This diary is the meeting point of all my thoughts, my journey in life so far mixed with the most imaginative ideas that my mind come up join me on this fairytale!!!

Thursday, August 24, 2006


One of my favourite quotations is by socrates the greek philospher, "be slow to fall into friendship, but when thou art in continue to be firm and constant. friendship is simply the condition of being friends. It sounds so simple but if you look at it, its more complex than that. why is it that by the age of thirty, we barely have friends and yet we started off with so many friends we would take a whole day to name them.
It's a mystery am yet to encounter but trust me by the time i turn thirty i donot want to be a loner who later turns psychotic like your locked in a penetiary and isolated for crimes that cannot be revealed.
Do we really have to get to that? i recall growing up when everyone was my friend but by high school, cracks had started to emerge in many of them which ended in cliques that did more harm than good. You didnt care how detached you become as long as you rode the cool wave until life started like it always does, separated and broke you up in the end you couldnot trust anybody and resorted to imaginary friends like jonny that character in ed, edd and eddy cartoon series.
I see a lot of people being lonely with no one to talk too but it doesnt have to be this way, there is need to build on the friendships that are already there, they say you never know what you have until it's gone but why let it be gone? if something is special we should invest in it so that by the age of 70 we sit back and reminisce about the mischief we all got up back in the good ol' days...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

about a gal

gurls......that's my favourite topic. Everyone seems to be an expert when it comes this subject, if you dont believe try google right now. Soome guy called date master will tell you how to sleep with four women in an hour. i once took advise from one of these sites after paying a subscription fee $15 a year i earned two slaps and six life long enemies, so much for the perfect advise. Not far away is my cousin peter, he is only slept with 'pamela' who happens to be his right palm, nonetheless i used to find myself listening to this loser who kept on giving me advise which once and the rest i crushed and burned but i always kept on coming back to the fool, he was like a drug or more like a 'quack doctor love'.
The funny thing is ten years later, i now claim to be a dating advisor, i have come to accept my job(read God given right) i have also come to a conclusion that we are here for a reason, to give hope to those without even if it means having some hearts crushed at least we compesate that with the big egos that will help foster because this cycle will never end.